Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 205

Where to begin? Well, writing this is distracting me from looking at curtains online. I finally measured some of the windows. The impetus was that the husband was talking about putting up the ones we used to have on each window. The problems with that include that the colors no longer match the rugs, the accent walls, and the general scheme I'm aiming at (Did I just make it sound as if I know what I'm doing?) and that once something is up there, it removes the pressure to find something that works. I'm hoping I can find something online because I really don't want to do in-person retail shopping and expose myself to the world. 

HWSNBN went back to the White House last evening. When he arrived, he went up the steps to the balcony overlooking the south lawn, removed his mask, gave a two-thumbs-up, then entered into a room in which all the people that could be seen were maskless. After that, he had them re-film it because he wanted it to look a bit different when used, probably for campaign purposes. Older son sent me a link to a Twitter feed in which someone had zoomed in to catch HWSNBN's face after he removed the mask. Said footage resides here. It certainly looks to me as if HWSNBN is having some trouble breathing. As one of the doctors said, he's not out of the woods yet.

The aspect of it all that had me looking down and shaking my head was that HWSNBN's campaign is now saying that HWSNBN's bout of covid-19, his personal experience, makes him more qualified to deal with the pandemic than Joe Biden. In other words, not following the public health guidelines is a good thing, and anyone who does follow them is not to be trusted. We should also not let covid-19 "dominate" our lives, because he feels better than he has in 20 years. Can you say, "Steroids are your friends?"

Hurricane Delta (I now have a "Delta Dawn" ear worm) is growing rapidly just south of the Gulf of Mexico. It appeared to go from tropical storm to Cat 4 hurricane in a matter of hours. This is the earliest we've had that many storms; climate change, you know. It's also unusual for nine or 10 of those storms to land on the US. I must admit that if I'd lived in New Orleans, I'd have moved elsewhere by now. 

I just saw a headline that HWSNBN is breaking off negotiations with Democrats over a second stimulus package. That does not hurt us personally, but it will hurt far, far too many people. But they don't need to worry as long as they don't let covid-19 dominate their lives.

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