Monday, October 5, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 204

It has just been announced that HWSNBN is going back to the White House at 6:30 this evening. His aides have supposedly been encouraging him to stay at Walter Reed noting that should his condition worsen and send him back there a second time, it will not look at all good. And we know he's all about looking good, right? He's already trying to use his infection to his advantage. His campaign has noted that HWSNBN has first-hard experience with covid-19, experience his opponent does not. I heard that and just had to shake my head. Have they no shame? 

There were evidently two Secret Service agents in the car with HWSNBN during his drive-by. They wore medical-grade masks, face shields, and coveralls, though there were some tears in the coveralls of the agent riding shotgun. The husband did a little digging and learned that while a Secret Service agent can decline taking part in an activity that risks the life of the President, an agent cannot decline taking part in an activity that risks his own life. This somewhat surprises me; having the two reversed seems to make more sense. 

HWSNBN's press secretary and two of her aides are the latest positive covid-19 cases to emerge from the Rose Garden event for Amy Coney Barrett. It's something like the Red Wedding on Game of Thrones: People just keep dropping. It's going to be interesting to see how many positive cases come out of HWSNBN's fundraising events on the day he first tested positive, assuming we get to see that number. One number we have yet to see is the date of his last negative test. I've seen several people asked that question, none of whom answered it.

On a more local front, they local university's football team had not had any positive covid-19 cases since July, and the couple then were determined to be something the player brought with him from home. That was until Friday. Saturday, playing the number one team in the country, the locals were missing one of the full-time assistant coaches as well as six or seven players. The coach tested positive; it was not clear if the players had tested positive or were in quarantine because of exposure to someone  infected. 

I have made some noticeable progress on the unpacking and organizing front. I emptied two boxes today that contained fragile items that lived on the mantle. They are not all back on the mantle but all save a bottle of snake wine from Vietnam are somewhere on display. I'm not at all sure where to put the snake wine. I suggested to the husband that he find a place for it so that it would be visible when he's on Zoom calls with his students. He didn't seem to like that idea. 

The folks at the National Zoo got hold of the panda cub long enough to take the blood sample needed to determine it's gender. They then gave the cub's father paint and a canvas so that he could paint a gender reveal picture. The cub is male. I'm not sure if China has a preference for one gender or the other. Either way, the cub is theirs in four years. I haven't been to the zoo in some time. I used to go a lot when I would drive younger son up to Washington so he could spend the day with his girlfriend from Potomac, Maryland. I like to just sit and watch certain animals. After a couple hours at the zoo, I'd head to a museum or just stroll. I wonder how long it will be before doing that feels safe. Maybe never?

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