Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 219

We are almost to the end of Tuesday business hours on the East coast, and so far The Orange Foolius has not withdrawn from Thursday night's debate. I figured that once the organizers committed to cutting off the Candidate A's microphone while Candidate B was delivering his opening statement, The Foolius would call foul and go sulk in a corner. I do like the sound of the format, though I know many people don't. The 15 minutes each on different topics will, I hope, give some focus to the discourse, though I expect The Foolius won't let himself be limited to the topic at hand. And I fully expect him to interrupt post-opening comments as long as his microphone has been turned back on. Of course, if this debate mirrors the first fiasco,we may not have candidate debates in 2024.

And here's a headline I grabbed off the Facebook feed of The Washington Post: "Most Trump supporters believe the president is dismantling a sex-trafficking ring involving top Democrats." They may know nothing about QAnon but simply believe whatever the Foolius or his associates tells them. How they can take this at face value without seeing any evidence boggles my mind. It also frightens me. These people are allowed to vote, and likely will in large numbers. If The Foolius wins a second term, I fully expect we will move uncomfortably close to being a police state, though some may say we're already there. I'm not sure we'll get to martial law because military leaders may balk even if the person giving orders is the Commander-in-Chief. So much uncertainty, too much uncertainty.

We got an expedition catalog today from Hurtigruten, the company that runs the mailboat along the Norwegian coast. We did their 12 day Bergen to Kirkenes back to Bergen a couple of years ago during the Polar Night (the opposite of the Midnight Sun). They do expedition trips to Antarctica, Svalbard in Norway, and the one that I might think about were I to win the lottery, the Northwest Passage from Nome, Alaska to Halifax, Nova Scotia. The "if only" thought didn't last long; it was replaced by the thought of when we-I might feel safe going on such a trip or any cruise, actually. Or a plane. The CDC is now recommending against any sort of public transit if you don't stay masked and at an appropriate distance from the other passengers. I'd even be nervous about hopping in the car for a trip that would involve spending an overnight in a hotel. The idea of being with even a small group of other people  scares me. 

I went through a couple more boxes this afternoon. My kindle continues to elude me. I made a visible dent in the pile of stuff outside the door to my office/studio. Tomorrow I will likely deal with boxes in the master bedroom/bathroom. There are decisions still to me made about just how many pairs of weird earrings I need to have. The handcuff, marijuana leaf, and razor blade (not real  razor blades) ones will stay, definitely, and some of the dinosaurs, but how many dinosaur pairs do I need, really? I actually don't know how many such pairs I have. That might be a good place to start tomorrow.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

I have stopped in a hotel recently, reception staff behind a screen, one person per lift, one way system around the building to prevemt passing in corridors and no housekeeping unless requested. My faulty bathtap meant a room change because no-one could come in to fix it. The down side was that the bar and restaurant were shut, they'd put a microwave and disposable crockery in a side room so you could prepare simple meals. It felt as safe as a safe thing that was very, very safe.

I'd rather do a cruise than go on a plane because you have the option of walking away from people. The procedures already in place to prevent transmission of Norovirus would be a great start, the sinks and taps outside eating areas are already there. The weak link, as always, is other people who don't want to be inconvenienced by rules put in place for the greater good.