Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 213

I'm getting bored with using "He Who Shall Not Be Named" for the current president. I'm going to try out Orange Foolius, one older son used recently. I also discovered the subreddit for Trump nicknames, so the possibilities may be endless. I think for fun I'll change up some of the cast of characters' names as well. The husband will become The Professor not that Gilligan's Island has anything to do with it. Older son would probably appreciate my making him Son #1 and his younger brother Son #2. The family dog is getting capitalized, Family Dog..

It appears that tomorrow night's canceled Presidential debate has been replaced by a Joe Biden town hall on ABC and an Orange Foolius town hall on NBC.What do you want to bet that it's all about the ratings to the Orange Foolius? He'll have an edge since his town hall will be shown on three networks, NBC, CNBC, and MSNBC. Coverage of both town halls starts at 8:00 pm, meaning that I may actually be awake. The Professor likely will argue for watching Perry Mason on FETV. If we watched a candidate, I expect it will be Biden. The Professor says the Orange Foolius's voice makes him ill.

From tomorrow back to yesterday, last night's rally. Evidently, the Orange Foolius again suggested he could enter the crowd of supporters and kiss men without infecting them with covid-19. I did not hear if he included "beautiful women." It appears that his doctors did give him the more accurate PCR test and, while the results suggested he no longer carried a significant amount of virus, they also did not definitively say he had none. In other words, he may still be contagious or he may not be. I would not take a chance on that choice. 

The local university is going to start testing every student living on campus every nine days. These tests would be conducted by the university. The procedure would be to go into a dorm and test everyone there, somewhat like my mother's assisted living facility's testing everyone there on the same day. Students living off-campus will be given kits with which they can test themselves and return the sample to a vendor. They may also be required to do saliva tests on campus. Tests are mandatory, though I did not hear what the penalties might be for refusing to be tested or missing a scheduled test. Students with schedule conflicts or already in quarantine due to possible exposure can reschedule tests. 

As for unpacking, putting away, and/or organizing things, I declared today a day free of any of those activities. I may declare tomorrow one as well. The Professor and a grad student were setting something up out in the yard, and I didn't want to have to walk around all day wearing a mask. I just told them that I would be in the basement and if they needed a bathroom or supplies, to use the main floor. Tomorrow they will be running some sort of tests using the stuff they set up today, tests that I understand may run into the evening. I'm told only that if I hear anything explode, that is not good.

Two of the neighbor families I emailed yesterday have let me know that they would love to take me up on the offer to leave a bowl of candy on the porch for Halloween. One dad said his daughter had been asking over and over if she'd have to give up Halloween. I just emailed everyone in the subdivision and told them my plan. I noted that we are all giving up so much during the pandemic, and I didn't want the kids to have to give up Halloween. I did say that people should knock on my door to let me know there's someone out there. I want to be able to look out the window and see the costumes.  Maybe I should put my Ralph the Rex t-rex costume on for the occasion. 

I feel like I'm not living up to the good citizen standard. I have been actively not watching television news. I read the two papers we get, the local rag and The Washington Post. I check a few websites in the morning, typically The Guardian followed by The New York Times. I check out some of the news notifications that come in on my cell phone, but by no means all of them. My stress level has gone noticeably down since I've been doing this.

Finally, I may not be up with current pop culture since I just learned earlier this week that just as some women want their breasts to be bigger and will undergo surgery to make that happen, making one's butt bigger is also possible. What's that song? "I like big butts and I cannot lie"? From what I read, the butt enlargement surgery is more likely to go horribly wrong than the breast enlargement surgery is. I had larger breasts when I was pregnant and nursing, and that was entirely a long enough time for me. I felt self-conscious when people were looking at me above the waist. And as for butt enlargement, I've been working hard during the pandemic to get mine smaller. "No big butts, and I cannot lie" is the plan around here.


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