Sunday, October 4, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 203

Having lowered my standards, I am feeling better today. All will get done in good time, something  about which I feel good now. We aren't entertaining--and rarely did even before the pandemic--so why worry about what anyone else might think. I did, way back when, have a 10-year-old boy ask why my house was so messy. If a 10-year-old sees your house as messy, well, it is. Right now, there are no 10-year-olds on the guest list, so I'm safe. The big thing making unpacking and organizing so difficult is that the husband is using older son's former bedroom as his home office. I was using all the bookcases there to hold my yarn and my books on knitting, crocheting, and felting. Don't worry, I was told, you'll be able to move those things to younger son's former bedroom. Only after we get all of our stuff and all of his stuff out of that bedroom so that walls are available for bookshelves will I be able to move anything in. It's like a lengthy chain reaction, and it's acting better some days rather than others.

We skipped the Sunday morning walk in the park and instead walked the trails behind and beside our subdivision. Do not ask me to take those trails again. I would be lost all too quickly. Older son sometimes runs the trails if there are too many people out and about in the subdivision, so he knows his way around them. We ended up going almost four miles, and I do think the family dog would have gone farther had we wanted to. We decided to replace the walk in the park with a trail walk for the next three weekends, after which deer season will rear its ugly head. Even wearing the blaze orange sweater I knitted several years ago, I don't go into the woods at all during deer season. 

HWSNBN remains at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. As far as I can tell, the updates by his physician(s) are bogus. They say he might go home tomorrow, but the remdesivir they're giving him is a five-day progression that is supposed to be delivered in a hospital setting. They've also started him on a teroid, dexamethasone, to treat his dropping oxygen levels. The thing is that dexamethasone is not used for mild cases of covid-19. The fact that he is getting it suggests that the big picture is much worse than it's been painted up to now. There is no word on new cases from the Rose Garden event for Amy Coney Barrett or the indoor event also held for her. I think the nine or 10 cases identified so far are more than enough.

Assuming HWSNBN survives, will the experience change his views on mitigation measures such as masks? Probably not a snowball's chance in hell that it will. I am awaiting his claim that he caught the virus from s Democrat. He might even try to say he caught it from Joe Biden at the debate. He can't really tie his exposure to China, so the Democrats may be the next best thing. I just hope that he or someone in his maskless entourage didn't infect either of the Bidens or anyone in their entourage.

New York City's mayor may lock down nine Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods chosen by zip code because their covid-19 rates are spiking. New York isn't the only state with developing hot spots or rising case rates. It's my firm belief that we're still in the first wave of infections, meaning the second wave is yet to come. Things are only going to get worse for a while. 

And I forgot to start with my usual notice of how many weeks we are into hermitting. Today marks 29 weeks. That's a long time and time in which we continue to learn just how much we don't know about the novel coronavirus. 2020 just keeps on giving.

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