Tuesday, October 27, 2020

View from the Hermitage, Day 226

I did walk this morning, though more slowly and not as far as I usually walk. In general, my back is much improved over yesterday. I'm hoping it will feel even better tomorrow. I've got my fingers crossed that I can make the 304.2 miles by Saturday to win the challenge that Coach Apple Watch set for October. 

They swore Amy Coney Barratt in as a Supreme Court justice last night, on the South Lawn of the White House. Supposedly more people wore masks than at her nomination announcement in the Rose Garden, but Clarence Thomas, who administered the oath, and the Orange Foolius standing with them were bare-faced. I liked the catchy headline that one media outlet used--that she was sworn in under cover of darkness. We have as a justice a lawyer who practiced civil law for two years, was a professor for 15 years, and a federal judge for only three years. She has never argued a case before the Supreme Court. The comparison with the person she replaced, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is stark. Only one Republican broke the party line, Susan Collins of Maine. She's in a tight race, but whether crossing party lines will help her I do not know. 

The Professor is starting to think about what he should take with him to work at the polls. I mention this because anyone who knows The Professor knows that he usually leaves things to the last minute. In a pandemic, though, one does not want to forget anything, let alone anything essential. They will have masks and gloves there; I am not sure about face masks, so he is taking one from his university lab. He'll have extra masks and gloves with him as well. There will be a communal coffee pot, but any other food must be brought and cannot be shared. I told him I needed to know no later than Sunday what he wanted for Tuesday. Son #1 has already provided caffeinated chewing gum. The precinct chief has said that she will be bringing a very large bowl of individually wrapped Halloween-style candies. Of course, that pits the upper in the chocolate with the obligatory sugar crash.

I have been knitting a bag to felt, but finally admitted that it is only worsening the De Quervain's syndrome I have in my right wrist. I went through my needle felting supplies (I have way too many kits and really need to start doing them, one at a time) and came across felt in a large embroidery hoop. It came with an assortment of colored yarn. I decided to do a scene with the Northern Lights above. It can be a Christmas present for the brother (his) / brother-in-law (mine) for whom gift selection is a problem. He dabbles in various art forms, so I think this will interest him. He has several of my quilts including one he lusted after for years until I finally gave it to him. 

Dr. Fauci offered the uncheerful assessment that we are still in the first wave of the novel coronavirus. The numbers did go down after everything started but never enough to say that any wave was over. With the rate of new cases now growing faster than it ever has, we're not just fucked, we're REALLY fucked. Not the best news as we head toward the season for giving thanks, but at least we can give thanks for someone like Dr. Fauci to help us deal with this. 

The election is a week from today. I have nothing more to say on that today.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Well, that comment is certainly a pick-me-up, isn't it?