Monday, October 26, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 225

Today is a day that could have gone better. I seem to have done something to the right side of my lower back that would suggest I should not do exercise walking tomorrow. This peeves me to no end, especially as it impacts my finishing (or not) my October challenge as set by my Apple watch. I need to walk 34.1 more miles to hit the goal of 304.2 miles. If I take two days off, that would be over 10 miles each of the remaining days. I guess I need to hope that in the morning I feel up to at least walking with the family dog.

Five members of VP Pence's staff are out with covid-19, a fact that the administration initially did not want made public. When VP-candidate Harris had staff members who tested positive but with whom she had had minimal contact, she took several days off. Pence, on the other hand, is out campaigning after having close contact with his positive staff members. Evidently "Vice Presidential Campaigning" is an essential job which means it is not governed by CDC guidance on exposure. The Orange Foolius's chief of staff has confirmed that the administration is not even trying to control the pandemic, so of course they'll send The Foolius and his VP out in public.

On the covid-19 front, I looked at what the local hospitals have as policies on visitation. So many things are being loosened or at least not tightened that I was curious. The non-university general hospital's policies were last updated July 20. They are

  • All non-COVID-19 patients and patients who are not under investigation for COVID-19 may have one visitor.
  • All Obstetric patients may have one designated birth support person, who may remain with them throughout delivery and the remainder of their postpartum stay.
  • Cancer Center: No visitors.
  • Emergency Department: No visitors.
  • End-of-life patients may have two visitors

It's not clear when the university hospital's current policies were set. There are special rules for a couple of special units, but the general policies are 

We are allowing additional visitation to inpatient units and procedural areas within the hospital. Visitors are NOT allowed in clinics, with some visiting exceptions.

  • Inpatient units: Patients may have two designated visitors. One designated visitor at a time is permitted at the patient’s bedside between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
  • Inpatient procedural areas: Patients may have two designated visitors. One designated visitor at a time is permitted at the patient’s inpatient bedside between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.; if the patient returns to the room following a procedure between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m., a designated visitor may spend four hours with the patient.
  • Outpatient procedural areas: Patients may have one designated visitor, though it is preferred that visitors wait remotely in their vehicles during the procedure.
  • Outpatient clinics: Visitors are not permitted unless clinic leadership makes an exception to support the needs of a patient. Children may have one adult come with them to their appointment.

Your designated visitors can’t change during your stay. Visitors should not stay in the lobby, cafeteria or other public spaces at the hospital unless asked to do so by the care team.

I'm really glad to be relatively healthy at the moment.

The Professor and I did watch the candidate interviews on 60 Minutes last night. The differences between the candidates was striking. Uncle Joe was asked if he could still lose despite his leads in all the polls. He said he could. They did not ask The Orange Foolius the same question, but had they I am sure he would have replied that he could only lose were the election rigged. He clearly had no real interest in doing the interview. Just as in the first debate, he spent a lot of time interrupting or trying to speak over the interviewer. 

In the dumpster fire that is 2020, they located the first US murder hornet nest in Blaine, Washington. There are undoubtedly more yet to be found. More wildfires have started in California and Colorado, and possibly in a couple other states I don't remember or never knew. Hurricane Zeta is out there with its eyes on the gulf coast. I expect that the aftermath of next week's election is, either way I imagine, going to fan that dumpster fire at hurricane strength.

Here's hoping for something light-hearted to post tomorrow.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

At the start the local teaching hospitals stopped visiting totally. I said that would be my indicator that we were through this, when they went back to normal, because it's not a political decision but one driven by science and risk. They changed at the beginning of August to one nominated visitor for one hour a day. Things have changed for the worse since then and "it is highly likely we will have to change the current position for both outpatients and operations. We are looking at doing more appointments by phone or other technology where appropriate and possible." My mother in law was supposed to have a liver scan and that was changed to a telephone appointment - it was certainly possible but not all that appropriate seeing as all it told them was that she was still alive.

You could rest rather than make your back worse. Peeved or not there should be some common sense brought into play here. Are you going to let your watch dictate your life? (Please frame this in your best mom voice as you can't hear mine from there). Failing that a hot bath and heat spray may do the trick.