Thursday, October 8, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 207

It sounds as if the real winner in last night's vice presidential debate was the fly who spent some minutes sitting on Mike Pence;s white hair. I did see one headline that spoke of what a brazen liar Pence has become. This, I suppose, was in response to his defending HWSNBN. Speaking of HWSNBN, he says he will not participate in the virtual debate planned for next week because the format makes it possible for his microphone to be turned off. I really hope the Presidential Debate Committee does hold a debate with only Joe Biden present so that it becomes pretty much a Biden town hall. And because HWSNBN declines participating, I don't think the equal time rules would apply. This just adds to my amazement that there are people who would vote for such a thug. 

I saw an article reporting that Nancy Pelosi is looking into the 25th amendment, worrying that HWSNBN is not in good shape to carry out the duties of the presidency. I doubt she can get Mike Pence to go along with it given his statements in last night's debate. I seem to remember that the VP is required to sign on to any declaration that the President in unfit to serve. And then there are Cabinet members to line up. Still, it's about time someone raised the question.

On the covid-19 front, I hope that the number of new cases put up today in Virginia is not for real. At 1,844, it was second only to the 2,015 that turned out to have some cases from two or three other days added in. If it's a real number, things are worse than I thought. Also on the covid-19 front, it appears that while the local university has a number of student cases, they have not really transmitted those to members of the local communities. Two of the women's sports teams--volleyball and soccer--have had to cancel or postpone matches due to covid-19 and, at least in the case of one, injuries. I heard rumors of a wild party held by the soccer team but do not know how true said rumor was.

The temperature was in the 80sF again yesterday. Although I in general prefer hot days to cold ones, yesterday's heat made my morning walk harder. I cut it short to be available for a call from the vet and ended up not going back out. I made up for a bit of it today, walking 7.65 miles. If the seventh mile weren't didn't seem so hard, I'd go for eight. Not right now though. The upside to the walking is that I've now managed to lose the extra weight I put on in the aftermath of three major joint surgeries in 2014, 2016, and 2018. I at several points have joked that my goal for 2020 was to not need a major joint surgery. So far, I've been good and given the pandemic wouldn't go into a hospital now except for emergency care.

I ordered curtains for the two windows in the kitchen. It's my trial run before I order them for the dining room and living room. Fortunately, nothing was repainted in the bedroom, so I don't need to replace those curtains. I am going to get new curtains for the master bathroom since the ones I had there for 30-plue years were cheap plastic ones, sort of like the material a shower curtain might be. Those may be the next ones I order. I'm not brave enough yet to order everything at once. 

On the unpacking front, I have cleared off enough of the desk in my office that the standing desk I used to have there but gave to the husband can to back. The husband decided that his home office desk was too small for the standing desk unit, so it's been sitting in the hallway between his home office and the bedroom. I also moved some more books to try to consolidate my fabric books. I have four bankers' boxes of books pulled out of the storage bedroom that need new shelves. It maybe a while before those get done, so I need to find a new place to stack them. There's always something. I should go do that now while I'm thinking of it. Otherwise, I will next think of it at a most inconvenient time.


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