Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 423 (923)

The black bean and corn salad is done, and the maple walnut pie just came out of the oven. Two other couples are coming for dinner, and we decided to do a mystery potluck. We may end up with three desserts, but is there anything really wrong with that? Since I still have some straightening up and vacuuming to do, this post will be short.

There is a movement afoot to skip all childhood vaccinations. If you're skipping the covid one, why not skip the others as well? Here's why. Because of a decline in childhood immunizations, over 700 children have died in Zimbabwe as a result of a measles outbreak. Measles is more transmissible than even the most transmissible (so far) covid variant. Yes, the covid vaccines are brand-new; the other childhood vaccines required for school aren't. They've stood the test of time and saved countless lives. And there is no link between childhood immunizations and autism.

1 comment:

Janet said...

If you have too many desserts, eat dessert first.

As for vaccinations, my grandkids get all of them; their parents are smart and logical thinkers.