Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 406 (906)

Ukraine is still at war, but London Bridge has fallen. The Queen is dead; long live the King. Being an American, I don't know what living in a monarchy might be like. I can say, though, that a head of state whose term of service included every minute of my own long life would boggle even a non-fogged brain. The Queen evidently went out on her own terms, gracefully, with her family gathered around. We should all be so lucky. 

Just when I think I am feeling even better, my body manages to tell me not to hurry. While my chest no longer feels congested, occasional coughs assure me that it is. Monday's headache comes back in fits and starts but does not last for long. Tomorrow will be my last day of Paxlovid; hard candy does help offset its somewhat bitter after-taste. There is always the possibility of the Paxlovid rebound; that seems to happen between two and eight days after finishing the five-day course. I'd cross my fingers, but that didn't help keep me from getting the covid in the first place. If it happens, it happens.

1 comment:

cbott said...

As my youngest says: "'Tswhat's". Whirring.

Bird 'Pie