Sunday, June 21, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 98

Ninety-eight days or 14 weeks. Time is playing tricks inside my head. I've been adding quilt photos to my website and just copied more pictures from passport backup drives to this laptop. In doing so, I saw the folder Eclipse2017. Going through it, it was indeed from the trip the husband and I took to Asheville, North Carolina to watch a total eclipse of the sun. But was it really 2017? That's approaching three years ago! It can't have been that long! Going through the photos, I remember the state park we visited to see the eclipse outside a city. We had to hike a fair ways to get to where we viewed things. Walking back to the car, a ranger stopped and gave us a ride back to the parking lot. He said he was not supposed to do things like that, but I was limping so much he thought it would be helpful. I had my knee replacement in April 2018, so the eclipse really was in August 2017. Still.....

HWSNBN's rally last night was apparently a flop. The best description I read of the size of the crowd was CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta's saying that the people there should be socially distancing. After all, there was enough room in the arena that they could. HWSNBN also demonstrated, evidently for 20 minutes, how to walk down a ramp (time taken from an article in The New Yorker; older son said it was seven minutes). He wanted (needed?) to counter the negative perception of the time it took him to descend from the podium at the West Point graduation. He also demonstrated that he could drink water using only one hand/arm to lift the glass to his lips. He supposedly used two hands at West Point to keep from spilling any liquid on his expensive silk tie. As the husband noted, water can leave a hell of a stain on a silk tie.

I did see several people in the crowd wearing masks. The stood out as the exception rather than the rule. Never mind that six of the staffers doing advance work on the rally tested positive for the novel coronavirus and that people attending the rally had to sign waivers releasing the campaign from blame should they fall ill during the period that would suggest exposure at the rally. I was pleased, though, to hear how we've been testing so many more people than a list of other countries have. Yeah, right! And if we slow down testing, fewer people will test positive for the virus. I do not understand how his aides or advisors can let him believe such things. I have trouble grasping just how self-centered and oblivious one person can be. I'd say that we don't have to worry about someone pulling his strings behind the scenes except that Vladimir Putin seems in a good position to do so.

And so begins our 15th week.


cbott said...

I know--time seems to be on an accordion, not a fixed line. In August 2017 I found myself flying to the last place on Earth I wanted to be: Portland Oregon, on the day of the eclipse, trying to get to my parents who were both in need of someone (me) to care for them for several weeks. How could it have been nearly 3 years ago?!?

cbott said...

And may I also say--what a hottie that Dr. Gupta is!!! I love it when he's a guest on any MSNBC show.

Janet said...

A useful president would have been so involved in cheering on the West Point graduates that he wouldn't be worrying about his tie. Really?? This from a self-styled "millionaire" who can afford a new tie every day? Once again his explanation/excuse is unbelievable and pathetic.