Friday, April 17, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 33

Demonstrations against social distancing have come to Virginia despite the fact that we have less stringent guidelines (rules?) than a lot of other states. The business entities required to close here are those that put people in close proximity. I won't be working out at the gym with my trainer, the husband and I can't eat out, I can't get my nails done, and next week's haircut won't happen. Go shopping at Lowe's, Joann Fabrics, the comic store, Staples, the sex shop (yes, we have one here)? Sure. They can stay open as long as they limit the number of shoppers to maintain the suggested six-foot separation.

If the demonstrators at the State Capitol are people who have lost jobs or been temporarily furloughed, I can understand their wanting the guidelines to be relaxed. If they are people who want to go out to eat or have a crowded cookout on the front lawn (as older son's neighbors continue to do), I want to scream at them.

On this morning's walk with the family dog, I told the husband and older son that one reason I may have been in such a weird mood yesterday is that at times the image pops into my head that I am becoming the fictional character with long, scraggly grey hair locked in a tower for years on end. A small part of me would like to go out and do things, even run the errands I often despair, but for the most part, I am scared of making the acquaintance of the coronavirus. It terrifies me. Period. Full stop.

For what it's worth, husband and older son assured me I will not become the fictional character described above. I hope they're right.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

My hair will not be straggly because if it comes to it then it will be a number 7 all over. My stylist does fancee stuff round the front with scissors but uses the clippers on the back. My sister in law was horrified to hear that I have a buzz cut although I can't work out why (or why she has any interest in my hair)

All those shops are shut here apart from the equivalent of Lowes, repairs being essential supplies. Apparently we can paint a fence but not a kitchen (repair vs improvement) although thankfully no-one is checking. It's online only for the rest.