Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 30

Thirty days. One month. At least it has not been a lost month such as the one older son said was discussed in the President's meltdown yesterday. Older son said that one of the two video presentations (I forget which one, but then the cat had me up at 4:18 this morning, and it showed on the cognitive front) basically ignored the period from February 6 to March 2. When a reporter mentioned this, the President did not take it well.

And the President says that he holds all authority. The President who said he could not force Republican governors to shut their states down now says he can force the other governors to re-open theirs. The President has shown in the past that he is not at all familiar with the main body of the Constitution, so why should he be familiar with the amendments, one of which gives all powers not assigned to the federal government to state governments. Someone must have told him about the second amendment since he has bestowed his seal of approval on that one. It doesn't sound as if he knows any of the other ones. Freedom of the press? Ha! I guess if he doesn't know the first amendment it's too much to think he's familiar with the tenth.

So do we have a president or a dictator? And who has the responsibility of pointing out to him that a president is not an autocrat? Congress? There don't seem to be too many Republican senators with the testicles to explain the facts of life to him. The judiciary? He's packed the Supreme Court to his liking, though perhaps one of Bush 43's appointees has some stones. If we had finished our devolution into a banana republic, I'd suggest a military coup might be in the works, but we haven't fallen that far. Yet, as younger son likes to respond to such thoughts.

I'm a bit concerned that dwelling on the President's performance yesterday shows that I have become totally numb to what is going on with the virus itself. Is it wrong that today I have not been concerned about what health care workers, several of whom I know personally, are up against? I have even had to remind myself to be angry today, angry about the late preparation, the missed opportunities, the chaos in which we find ourselves. I'd like to blame the day's starting too early, but that would be taking the easy way out.  I hope that tomorrow I will again feel something, anything?

And my never assigning a surname to "the President" is because "he who shall not be named" seemed a bit awkward to work into the writing.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

I can say that I'm a Swedish supermodel or perhaps a prize aspidistra but we both know I'm not. Saying it doesn't make it true. I hope I live to see the history books written, maybe it will all make more sense with a twenty year perspective.

There was a four for me this morning but it was a good thirty minutes after your early start.