Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 24

Virginia is scheduled to hold primary elections (there will be separate ballots for Democrats and Republicans-- the voter decides which ballot to vote). I just got the official email from the local Eloctoral Board. As of now the election is on, though they will be urging the public to vote absentee. Turnout is never that good for a June primary so they think they can run it with just four officials (technically called "officers of election") per precinct. For comparison, with no coronavirus, we'd probably have at least eight, maybe 10. We've been trying to get new officials as much experience as possible before the November election. Since crowds of more than 10 people are officially discouraged, only six voters will be allowed in the room at one time.

The email asked officials to let the Electoral Board know their availability and willingness to work in June. Gloves, masks, etc. will be provided. I've been an official since the 2004 presidential election, and an assistant chief for more than half that time. Before the precinct opens at each election, the officials raise their right hands and take a formal oath to run a fair and honest election. I still get emotional when we do this. We are just ordinary people, and we're making it possible for people to exercise their right to vote.

I desperately wanted to say that, yes, I'd be willing and able to work on June 9. Surely, things will be better by then. The stay-at-home order that right now stretches to June 10 will end early, right? We'll be on the downward part of the curve the experts talk about, eh? With a mask, gloves, disinfectants, and hand sanitizer, it will be safe, yes?

I've done some crazy things in my life, even some that might have been dangerous. Working the June 9 primary in Virginia is not going to be one of those. 

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