Monday, April 6, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 22

My email inbox this morning contained a message from reminding me of all the things I can get for free using Amazon Prime. I don't need more books to read, and I can listen to just about any music I want, but it occurred to me that a movie might be a good way to pass some evening time, so I clicked that list.

As I scrolled through the various movie genres, it hit me that I was actively not looking at any comedies. And when I thought about it, I actually felt repulsed by the idea of watching a comedy. I would have thought that the dire situation in which we find ourselves, especially this week which they say could be the worst, would lend itself to something laughable. After all, I have no problem laughing with the husband and/or older son about life situations or, in the case of the husband, a funny Facebook post or cartoon. I laugh at Tom Toles's editorial cartoon in The Washington Post, but that laugh is tempered by the immediate realization that what is funny is what should not be happening. A movie-length comedy is more laughter than I can take right now.

So many things that should be funny just aren't any longer. 

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