Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 248

Continuing on the pottering front, I can report that the contents of the hair and make-up drawer were not nearly as varied or as interesting as the contents of the drawer of miscellaneous items I cleaned up yesterday. The only make-up I wear is lip gloss. I gave up mascara because I wore it so rarely that the tube of it usually hit its expiration date after only one wearing. There were a couple tubes of pinkish or reddish lip gloss that I must have bought when considering what it would take to make me look like an adult. I trashed those and kept the more neutral mocha colored one. I kept the brush I use daily as well as a couple of combs with differing densities of teeth. I put all the stray bobby pins back on the bobby pin card and tossed all the clips for holding long hair in place in a bag for donation. Actually I put them in a deluxe shower cap saved from some hotel some time ago. 

I spent more morning time going through a box of papers and stuff. This would go faster if I didn't have to read various things and recall from whence they came. The earrings are giving me side eyes from my left daring me to get back to sorting them. Maybe tomorrow, earrings, maybe tomorrow.

Dr. Fauci was speaking, virtually of course, at the weekly Medical Center Hour held at the local university. The Professor and I live-streamed it as we ate lunch. Dr. Fauci said nothing new or earth-shaking but gave a very nice summary of coronaviruses in general and SARS-CoV-2 in particular. He also explained what the bases of the different vaccine candidates were. He had said earlier that he would take the one from Pfizer. He said that before the Moderna results came out, so I don't know whether he would take that instead. I've said more than once that I won't get vaccinated until Dr. Fauci gets vaccinated, and I want whatever vaccine he got.

The Virginia covid-19 numbers continue to rise. The seven-day rolling average of new cases is now over 1,700. The governor did a briefing this afternoon. He was big on the fact that cases were rising in all the states and territories, but that Virginia was fourth from the bottom in terms of how quickly cases were increasing. I guess that's good news. He did not add any new mitigation measures but reminded listeners of the ones that started overnight Sunday into Monday. When he moved from the virus to the state budget, I stopped paying attention. 

It has occurred to me that The Orange Foolius should get a new name befitting his new status. If I can figure out a way to shorten it, I'd like to go with one I found on that TrumpNicknames subreddit, Lame Duck a l'Orange. That seems to capture the relevant point which is that he lost the election and is on his way out. He may have been hopeful when the board that should certify the vote in Wayne County, Michigan, home of Detroit, deadlocked over the certification.The state board will now be the entity deciding the validity of the votes. Still in Michigan, there are Republicans urging the majority-Republican state legislators to try to appoint their own electors who would, of course, vote for The Lame Duck. I'm thinking that ain't gonna happen.

The card in the mail yesterday was a Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Years card from a friend who had retired and moved from New York to Chicago. He figured that people might like the new address before they addressed their holiday cards. I was motivated, though, to bring up the Christmas card box. As it turns out, I apparently did not buy several boxes of cards at a post-holiday sale last year. I think I'll have enough, though, since I have a box of cards that could pass for Christmas cards and are blank inside. I can figure out something seasonal to write there. 

Also on the holiday front, Son #1 managed to get every item on my holiday shopping list including a fresh turkey. I should be set, or will be until I realize on Wednesday that I for got something. I'll not worry about that now and will deal with it when it happens.


Caroline M said...

I have been cutting down small trees assisted by the much taller child. There is a much bigger impact for the effort than you get from tidying up and I can see the results from the kitchen sink. All told I'm having a big hit of "wow I did that" and this is why I don't tidy out cluttered shelves often enough - no visible impact for the time spent.

Has he not conceded yet? I'm having a break from the news as I have been raging at the sight of politicians rewriting the recent past. We were sold a four week lockdown on the basis of it "saving Christmas" and now two weeks in we are being told that we will need five days of lockdown for each day of Christmas relaxation. It's as if what was said two weeks ago never happened.

Janet said...

LDàl'O <-- you can copy/paste that; or change it however you wish (LDalO, maybe?).

Lip gloss was never my thing, and I never found a lipstick color I liked either; I chuckled over your description of "looking like an adult." I do occasionally "judge" (in my head) women newscasters who are using what looks to me as the wrong color lipstick...usually a too-bright red, or other color that doesn't suit. And while I wore mascara since I was a teen, I stopped within the last couple years when my eyelashes kept getting stuck together and irritating one of my eyes (the one that's always drier than the other), so it's a very rare occasion when I use it at all now.

My sewing area needs tidying but the motivation isn't there.

Caroline, no he's fighting every way he can figure out, making claims on the three right-wing TV stations that no one else believes. His lawyers' court cases have gone nowhere, but that doesn't mean he'll stop. Every time someone expects him to act like an adult, he doesn't.