Wednesday, November 4, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 234

One day after the election, all hail President ... well, we don't yet know for sure just who that might be. The Orange Foolius did, in the wee hours, declare himself the victor and said he would be asking the Supreme Court to stop vote counting in the states still counting. I liked that every news outlet I checked openly declared his victory announcement as misleading, false, a lie, or words to that effect. Several governors announced back at The Foolius that their states would follow the procedures set by that state and keep counting until they'd counted every eligible ballot. 

So where do things stand at the immediate moment? Well, if the several media outlets that have projected Uncle Joe as the winner in Arizona are correct, then winning Nevada and Michigan--he is slightly ahead in each--will give Uncle Joe precisely 270 electoral votes and make him the 46th President of the United States. The Orange Foolius, though, will not go down without a fight. He has said he will request a recount in Wisconsin; the margin of victory there is small enough that he is entitled to a recount. I don't think, though, what the margin has to be for the state to pay for the recount. If the gap is too big, The Foolius and his campaign minions will have to do that.

Uncle Joe's winning in Pennsylvania is evidently still within the realm of possibility. The votes yet to be counted are expected to lean Democratic, though it may be several days before all of them are counted. Nevada is expected to announce its final results this evening. I think Michigan may have its counting done tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed that Michigan and Nevada will end with Uncle Joe victorious, making Pennsylvania icing on the cake but not the cake itself. The more electoral votes, the better, though, since The Orange Foolius will, I expect, challenge anything he can, and probably a thing or two he can't technically challenge.

The bedroom curtains continue to be an enigma. The Professor was as mystified as I was by the number of curtain panels left after the two single windows were taken care of. Since The Professor is currently taping his Friday lecture, we will not address the curtain issue before this evening. As a result, I began a task I have been putting off over and over again, going through my earrings. I am not going to count how many pairs of earrings I possess; let's just say that I could probably have made it this far into the pandemic wearing a different pair every day. So far, I have four "piles." One is earrings I want to keep but which need a small repair such as a replacement hook. Another is earrings that are still in good shape but that I know I will never again wear. Those will be donated. There are some that I will simply toss; they need some repair that is not worth doing. Finally, there are the ones I think I want to keep. Those will get at least one more review.

News flash: As I've been typing this, two news outlets, CNN and NBC, have projected Uncle Joe as the winner in Michigan. If they follow the outlets that have projected Uncle Joe the winner in Arizona, Uncle Joe could hit 270 if Nevada announces their totals tonight. I must not get my hopes up, though, because even with Uncle Joe's 270 or more electoral votes, The Orange Foolius will not stop charging fraud or miscounting or whatever else he thinks might change the results in his favor. 

Finally, note to self: Make sure that The Professor turned off the alarm on his clock radio after it went off at 4:00 am on election day. The Professor was sleeping in the guest room so as to sleep in, but his alarm woke me up at 4:00 am. 

Finally finally, note to others: The champagne is ready for cork-popping as soon as enough media outlets are declaring that Uncle Joe has the 270 votes needed to make him number 46 and to make Kamala Harris our first female VP as well as our first VP of color.


Janet said...

It's intense psychologically that countries around the world are also caught up in this drama, with Canadian and Australian friends commenting on the reported results! Here's hoping you get to pop that cork. (I may crack open a Christmas beer I bought today, an ale with cranberries and spices, ABV 10%, if Biden wins.)

Caroline M said...

I checked at 2.30 am my time and again at 4.30. It's the lead news item which is saying something given we went back into lockdown at midnight.

I promised red wine and pizza but I felt confident enough to have the pizza last night. I've brought the red wine in from the garage to warm up, ready.