Friday, November 20, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 250

I'd say, "TGIF!" but then it doesn't really matter, at least not to me. One day really is pretty much like the previous and the next. The Professor puts in significant office time even on weekends, so that makes Saturday and Sunday a lot like any weekday. Things may change, though, given that Monday's lecture is his last of this semester. The final exam is sometime in early December, after which he's not teaching again until February 1. He'll be able to work on his research without the distractions of teaching or office hours. He's going to get spoiled, so I will need to brace myself when he has to prepare and tape his first lecture of the spring semester. He is likely not going to be happy about it.

Was it yesterday that I mentioned Virginia could soon have a seven-day rolling average number of new covid-19 cases of at least 2,000? We made it yesterday, though I wouldn't call it something to yell in a positive tone of voice. The only positive side would be if it motivated people to take the currently prescribed mitigation measures seriously or if it motivated state or local leaders of the value of tightening them or more carefully enforcing them. 

I try not to think about The Lame Duck's persistent efforts to undo the election results too deeply or too often. I find myself shaking my head and wondering why anyone would take him seriously. I must then remind myself that the popular vote in the election was not a landslide, and The Lame Duck has many supporters. I then move to shaking my head and wondering how every Republican in the Senate essentially backs what the Lame Duck has done or is doing. How can they look at themselves in the mirror? 

My back is feeling a lot better, and I am still taking things very easy. We've had two nights of frost, though, and I wonder if this weekend would be a good time to pull up the existing plants (mostly weeds) in the bed in which I want to plant my fall bulbs. Would taking a step-stool out there upon which to sit work to take bending over out of the picture? I do not want to do something stupid and end up looking at three more weeks of involuntary inactivity.

And so ends a quickie post. I have junk to play with in search of sculptures for Son #2's garden at the cabin. Photos to come. 

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

We've not had frost yet but it was close last night, my geraniums and the wormery are sheltering in the garage until spring.

I'm still on news-lite because I've had my fill of politics for the moment. Arguing with the radio is never a good look.