Thursday, November 5, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 235

And the counting continues. Arizona is now up for grabs despite the Associated Press, Fox News, and The Guardian having already awarded it to Uncle Joe. Nevada may be pivotal. If Uncle Joe gets Arizona, Nevada will give him the magic 270 electors ... as long as they all remain faithful. Uncle Joe is gaining on The Orange Foolius in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania would make Arizona and Nevada superfluous, good but not necessary. Georgia alone would not be enough, but Georgia plus Nevada would give Uncle Joe a nice cushion. All we can do is wait and hope. We might also channel the thoughts and prayers we would normally be using on classroom shooting incidents except that there haven't been any since around February. 

It looks as if the country will again have 100,000-plus new covid cases. That number boggles the mind. Ten days of that would be one million new cases. We could get that before Thanksgiving and the spikes that will follow it. To make things even more interesting, Denmark is killing all the minks they have in mink farms. Evidently, they have and might potentially transfer to humans a new strain of the novel coronavirus. That's all we need! 2020 just won't stop giving, will it?

Unpacking and putting away has slowed a bit. My lower back continues to dislike me. Interestingly, sitting with heat on it makes it very dicey when I stand up. Moving seems to make it feel better unless I move in the wrong manner, something I discovered going through some boxes this afternoon. I refuse, of course, to go visit a medical person in person, though if I get desperate I might try the Teladoc option I have on our health insurance. I'm not sure how much a doc could tell without seeing me, but they might at least be able to offer some treatment options. Cold? Hot? Alternating cold and hot? Sleep on my back? Side? I refuse to sleep on my stomach. 

Tomorrow is Son #1's birthday. In the old normal, we would celebrate it next weekend. Son #1 would go to Son #2's house in Richmond on Friday night. They would get up at some ungodly hour and run the Richmond marathon course backwards with the aim of arriving at the starting line about the time the marathon starts. They would then run the marathon, ending up having run some 52-plus-change miles. Then they'd all drive back here, and we'd do a family dinner at the Aberdeen Barn restaurant. Son #2 is vegetarian, but he is okay watching the rest of us eat meat. He'd get a baked potato or fries, steamed broccoli, and maybe a salad. Damn pandemic!

The earring inventory is on hold until Son #1 brings me some more tiny plastic bags into which I can put a pair of earrings. I thought I had enough, but that number only got me through one box of earrings, and I have another one to sort. And then there are the ones I was occasionally wearing that migrated into a regular jewelry box or a box with a particular necklace with which they went. Part of me wants to just sweep the whole lot of them into a wastebasket, but that would be the easy way out. I may complain as I do it, but I will feel better in the end doing it this way.

The champagne remains corked. Son #1 says we should not pop the cork until Uncle Joe has 273 electoral votes a number giving a cushion against possibly unfaithful electors. The election should not have turned out to be this close. That is did means that the division in this country is much deeper and wider than I thought, or at least wanted to think. I'm more spiritual than religious, but I find it especially troubling that evangelical Christians can and will back The Orange Foolius. I see that as an argument against evangelicalism. And I should not start down this chain of thought or the dishwasher won't get emptied nor the dryer. And the salmon in the refrigerator will hardly cook itself. Ah life! Gotta love it given the alternative.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

The count could have been worse, we could be now listening to a gracious speech of concession. There are always people who want to believe without any crictical thinking, they fall victim to schemes where the promises are too good to be true. As I say to my son, let those who are without Brexit cast the first stone, it's not as if we have anything to be proud of.

Like Covid, it won't last forever, wee just have to trudge through this difficult period day by day. I doubt it will take 235 days for the political dust to settle.