Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 240

Still feeling a major lack of levity lately. I've seen things that are humorous such as a phony ad for Four Seasons Total Landscaping, but they're more single shots of wit and not reflective of the whole environment. It would probably help if The Orange Foolius would admit that his base eroded and failed him--there is no way he would ever view it as a failure on his part. I worry when I hear that Uncle Joe is not being given daily intelligence briefings. If that persists, what is the best day on which to do something nasty? January 20 or 21, of course. And hit the ground running with a anti-pandemic plan? It may take a while to get up to speed on just what numbers Health and Human Services might have been hiding. 

The Virginia covid-19 numbers continue to rise, setting new records almost every day. The governor did a briefing this afternoon. He reported just how bad things were and asked everyone to do more in terms of wearing a mask, keeping social distance, etc. He reminded his audience that Virginia does have a mask mandate which sometimes gets ignored or forgotten. He went so far as to say, essentially, that Virginia could lead the nation with the slowest covid-19 transmission rate if people were just more careful. 

I got back to work on jewelry sorting, painful though it might have been. It turns out that I have a couple of silver rings the origin of which I do not recall. They even fit me. There are others with probably paste gems in them that are too big for my fingers which leads me to wonder whose they originally were. I found necklaces I knew I had but pretty much had never worn. Several of them came from a local consignment shop. If I had not worn it in a time period measured in years, it went into the donation bag. In a couple of cases, what I found was something I'd been wondering about and will be wearing again now that I know where it is. Ditto on the bracelet front. Most of the pins I kept because I do wear those whenever I wear a suit jacket. A couple of things went into the donation bag, but not many. I arranged them on a sample quilt block so I can see them all at once, a definite help when it comes to deciding which one suite my mood or the to-be-attended event. 

And the earrings await. For the second day, I am wearing a pair of non-silver-stud earrings. Today's are glow-in-the-dark aliens; yesterday's were diamond shapes made of seed beads. I'm not sure what I'll be in the mood for tomorrow, but I will likely have something that fits. I have that many pairs of earrings collected in the 38 years since I got my ears pierced so as to look a bit more adult when I went on job interviews after grad school. 

Forty-five minutes later, I return to the keyboard. I had a phone call to discuss items related to the quilt guild website which morphed into what we were each working on creatively with side dishes of how our dogs were handling having owners home 24-7 and what crazy things had our husbands been doing. Not a huge dose of levity, but enough. Let's see if it lasts until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

I used to have a selection of clip on earrings but I developed a weeping crack down the back of my ear that wandered off into my scalp. It took years to clear it and that was me done with earrings.

I can't believe he's asking for contributions to his election expenses (it looks like a contribution to current legal costs but the small print says otherwise). Can he not decide whether he's minted or penniless?