Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 241

"Listen to the rhythm of the fallin' rain..." would make a good tag line for today as would "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head...." It's been raining all day, at times harder than others. The Family Dog wanted none of it but agreed not to turn around until she'd done her morning business. We had to go out to begin with in order to take the neighbors' newspapers from the top of their driveway to their front door. They're both in their eighties with mobility issues, so every morning we take their paper down and hang it on a binder clip hanging from a cut-down plastic clothes hanger on their front doorknob. They don't even need to step out onto their porch landing to get it.

I know I kept harping about how many days it would take for there to have been 1,000,000 new cases once the daily total started to exceed 100,000. Yesterday was November 10, and we passed 1,000,000 new cases in the month of November. And each day, the excess over the base of 100,000 grows larger. It's not going to be long before it hits 150,000 in one day. The state numbers continue to rise as well. The seven-day rolling average number of new cases was 1,524 this morning. The percent positivity rate for the tests done yesterday was 6.2; this rate is also on the way up.

I will admit that my stomach turned a bit when I read about Mike Pompeo's mention of a smooth transition to the second Trump administration. I did not expect there to be a smooth transition between The Orange Foolius and Uncle Joe, but I did not expect to hear crap such as that. I thought The Professor would cool off once the Electoral College votes indicated one or the other candidate as the winner. There was steam coming out of The Professor's ears this morning at the breakfast table as he read Pompeo's comment. I really need to keep him off Facebook and CNN first thing in the morning. 

The online Fox News account of Pompeo's comment included: 'Later in the interview, Pompeo stated that "if I'm an adversary [of the U.S.], I would not think for a moment that in this time between now and January, that this was the moment that they might have an opportunity. It's simply not the case. President Trump and our team are on watch."' The Orange Foolius and cronies are on watch? Really? The team that schedules a presser for a garden shop in between a crematorium and a sex shop in the neighborhood of a jail? We're supposed to trust them to keep us safe. I can easily see them allowing no formal transition, leaving the country essentially unprotected on January 20 and the days that closely follow. 

And even The Foolius's autocratic friends are sending Uncle Joe their congratulations. While, Vlad Putin has yet to do so, even MBS in Saudi Arabia and Erdogan in Turkey have communicated with Uncle Joe. I can see how The Foolius is so dense as to ignore world opinion, but I have trouble believing his Cabinet members such as Pompeo are accompanying him on his ego trip. The Foolius did, I know, fire the Secretary of Defense, and some high-level, non-Cabinet officers are said to be next on the chopping block, but how does it hurt to get fired by The Foolius in the wake of an electoral defeat. The officials standing with The Foolius are only hurting themselves. Who would want to hire one of them?

Finally, on a note with some levity, it turns out that my Halloween dinosaur costume was noted. One of the neighborhood kids sent a message out thanking the neighbors who had candy out for trick-or-treaters. The message noted that I had been wandering around in a dinosaur costume. I really should put it on more often and practice walking in it. Moving around in the dark was sort of scary in terms of not being able to see sidewalk steps or, in the yard, branches ready to trip the unwary. T-rex arms aren't really long enough to reach out and use a railing or a tree for support. 

And now, to the earrings!

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