Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 198

I just emailed the designated address about being able to retain my virginia.edu email address. It's hit or miss if they let retired part-time wage people keep theirs. I've always called part-time wage people the university's bastard stepchildren. We're overlooked when it comes to a lot of things. If I can keep the address, great. If I can't, I'll live.

I've scheduled my flu shot for Thursday, October 1. I signed up for the 10:00 slot at the local CVS drugstore. Older son took the 10:30 slot, while the husband signed up for 11:00. I hope they will view that as a good thing, being able to do three, one right after another and then have a nice break before the 11:30 appointment. I'll have to cut my morning walk short or plan on doing it in the afternoon. Finishing in time to shower and leave the house at 9:45 would mean starting way earlier or doing it was faster, and I'm not sure I'm up for either of those.

Supposedly, the base demographic for HWSNBN is white males who did not attend college. I hate to say it, but the only reason I can think of for that demographic to back HSWNBN is his racism and divisiveness. I don't think that group would view him as "one of them" in any other sense. I don't expect that any of them are put off by his paying less federal income tax than they do. They probably believe his assertions that it's his skill as a businessman that nets his taxes so close to breaking even.

So world-wide covid-19 deaths have passed the 1 million mark. The husband told me that he'd seen a reference suggesting that the million could double before we get things under control. Sad do say, that would not surprise me. Countries and states that seemed to have things under control suddenly don't seem to, and the increases don't appear to be a second, new wave. It's just the first wave hanging on. or re-surging. 

Last night I came across photos of a pink aurora, a very rare manifestation of the Northern Lights. Today, my accidental find was a photo of a rainbow through which you could see the aurora. Both made me want to take another aurora-finding trip. Damn pandemic! Iceland and Norway are no-goes. Even Canada is out of reach. We've talked about making our next such trip to Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Surprisingly, or maybe it's not, a trip there would cost more than one to Iceland or Norway. It's supposed to be the place to go to see the aurora in North America. It will probably be a few more years, especially if the husband has to delay his retirement for a couple more years no thanks to the pandemic. 

Woo hoo! I just got an email that my virginia.edu email account has been set up. I'll need to renew it every year, but that won't be a problem. I guess that means that my office did do everything it was supposed to in order to make my retirement official. To be sure, that changes nothing in terms of what I will or won't be doing or have time to do. The pandemic has taken care of a lot of that with the unpacking and putting away taking care of the rest. 

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