Sunday, September 20, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 189

That's 27 weeks, definitely more than half a year. Since before I started blogging the pandemic, the husband and I have been sleeping in the basement guest room due to, first, interior re-painting, and after that, hardwood floor refinishing. The husband has let it be known that he wishes to sleep in the master bedroom tonight. This does not mean, however, that he has been helping schlep and unpack and move and clean to bring the desired outcome about. I have let him know that I am not bringing his clothes and toiletries up from the basement having brought up all of mine over the last several days. He had a lecture to prepare and tape which resulted in his making the lecture too long meaning he is now re-taping it. Work remains to be done to make the room habitable, though; this includes moving still-being-emptied boxes out of the way for in-the-dark trips to the bathroom. 

That's the long way of saying that this is it for today, and I'll catch you on the morrow. 

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