Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 178

Well, it's not morning, but I'll see what I can do about staying focused for a while. I did move my laptop to my former (work) office in the basement away from the dining room table. I actually did that after this morning reading a new email from a problem neighbor about a new issue for the HOA to consider. After reading it, I yelled, "Fuck you, (insert name)!" Older son came in from outside and asked if he'd just heard someone shout "Fuck you!" I told him he had. We then looked at each other as I realized that the husband was in his second floor office Zooming with some of the students in his class. When he finished and opened the door to come downstairs, I yelled an apology and told him I'd relocate to out of hearing range. It turned out that he had not heard me and none of his students reacted as if they'd heard me. The only problem with operating out of the basement is that the Internet connection can drop unexpectedly. I'm hoping that we can fix that with a signal extender.

I had told a friend over the weekend that I would post the Mongolian beef recipe I'd discovered. If you've read the last couple of posts, you know I failed miserably at that little task. The link above should correct my error of omission. I emailed the recipe to my friend last night, but just in case anyone else was wondering. I've lost track of how many times I've made it in the last 178 days, but it's worked its way onto the frequently-made list. In fact, I just received an email from the husband that when given the choice between chicken fried rice with not much leftover chicken and Mongolian beef, which would he prefer, he would prefer the "Mongo beef." Blazing Saddles, anyone?

The news is out that HWSNBN admitted to Bob Woodward that he downplayed the severity of the novel coronavirus in February and March. At the same time, though, he was telling reporters that no one cold have foreseen the pandemic. He also insisted multiple times that the virus would just go away. "Virus, virus, go away! Come again some other day!"? I'd think that, but I don't thing HWSNBN ever enjoyed nursery rhymes as a child. Admitting he had would be akin to admitting a weakness.

Older son says that there's a rumor that should HWSNBN loses in November, he will resign so that then-President Pence can pardon him, just as Ford pardoned Nixon before any charges were ever filed. I think, however, that a presidential pardon only works for federal crimes. While that would take care of anything being investigated by the Southern District of New York, it would not cover anything being investigated by the NYC district attorney. I wonder what color his hair will seem when paired with an orange jumpsuit.

And the West is burning. A friend in Vacaville, California posted some photos taken at 10:00 am. The sky is a dirty orange (orange is becoming a theme I guess). Having asthma, I do not want to think how bad the air might be. Another friend staying with her parents in Oregon wrote "breathing the air burns and ash is floating everywhere and gets in the eyes." They're staying inside with a stack of jigsaw puzzles. The local (here) paper's website includes a photo taken in Oregon at 5:00 pm. The sky is a bright red.

Back on the covid-19 front, the local university is hanging in there though they have not updated their covid-19 dashboard yet today. Note: They just did. There are 24 more students cases than yesterday. The two local K-12 school systems survived the first day yesterday. The YMCA, at least one other non-profit, and a local fitness center are running a combination of school and day care. They will supervise kids as they do their virtual learning and supplement with extra activities such as art, music, or physical education. These programs don't come cheap, though some do offer financial aid. 

Okay. I managed to get this written with minimal interruptions. I kept my train of thought squarely on the tracks. It's good to know I'm still capable of doing that.

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