Thursday, May 28, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 74

Coronavirus cancellations continue! (I shall resist the thought of adding more hard C sounds to this sentence.) This morning, I modified the website of our local quilt guild to reflect that the workshops scheduled for early October have been cancelled. If that sounds as if it might be too far in the future, a quilt show scheduled for February 2021 in Atlanta several weeks ago announced it would become a virtual show. Among the reasons cited were the difficulty attendees might have in making and breaking travel or lodging reservations and the fact that making the switch from on-site to virtual was much cheaper now than it would be further down the road. I've been waiting to hear whether the early October Fall Fiber Festival at which I usually work might be cancelled.

Older son sent me the reopening plan put out by the Brazilian ju jitsu gym to which he sometimes goes. It is so well laid out not to mention so safely conservative. The plan runs from whenever the state enters its Phase III of reopening to January at the earliest. Meanwhile, the gym or fitness center to which we belong has offered no real specifics as to how they plan to reopen. They did note in the latest email that their summer camps would be opening on schedule and that registration for camp was ongoing. They offered no details of what mitigation measures they might have planned, but you can't tell me they will be able to keep 5- or 6-year-olds at a social distance all day every day. I certainly would not be sending my kids to camp this summer.

No complaints about the governor today. He announced that the state would remain in Phase I of reopening for at least one more week, and that moving to Phase II in a week was not a given.
I can live with that.

And Minneapolis burned last night. I'm sure the stress and pressures of the pandemic contributed at least a wee bit to people's being on a very narrow edge. Older son pointed out that the Los Angeles riots of his childhood did not occur until after the officers who beat Rodney King were acquitted. These riots occurred despite the cops in question having immediately been fired and an investigation started. I'm not going to visit the question of whether the riots would have happened if the cops had immediately been charged with murder. Not gonna go there.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

Today my September retreat was cancelled. There were only six of us but the leader thought it was better to ditch earlier rather than later. I agree with her, there's enough uncertainty without adding to it.

Here we are going to be allowed to meet family outside. It's what everyone's been doing since we were told we could meet in parks (but not on the street, the doorstep or a garden) because some of these rules make no sense at all. I am cynical enough to think it's been brought in now as a diversion from the current political scandal but I'll take it.