Saturday, May 23, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 69

My first attempt at a Zoom call with my mom ended miserably yesterday. Neither of us could hear the other. The solution turned out to be the same for both of us: log out of everything, turn the computer off, and turn it back on. Once we each did that, our microphones worked like a charm. We had a nice chat this morning and are scheduled to chat again on Wednesday. Mom got the chance to ask me about various things I should have done or need to do, things such as move some of the house-plants out onto the deck and fill and hang the hummingbird feeder. I need to get those done before Wednesday when I may well get another list of chores.

Two days ago, it was colder here than in Bangor, Maine, home of my brother and sister-in-law, or in Tisdale, Saskatchewan, home of my brother-in-law. It was not a day for sitting out at a sidewalk cafe unless one was drinking a steamy hot mug of something. Today, it's in the 80s (Fahrenheit). I bet the sidewalk cafes are doing a good business even with the tables six feet apart.

We shall find out on Tuesday if the governor is going to issue an executive order requiring that a person wear a mask when entering a business. The governor wanted to make sure that everyone had access to masks before he issued the order. We have yet to have a pandemic "incident" here in the 'Ville; could a mask requirement lead to one? Assuming that a university town is full of people who have at least a rudimentary understanding of epidemiology and an understanding of the benefits of masks does not compute. There will be someone who does not want to wear a mask at some business, and it won't be hilarity that ensues.

He Who Shall Not Be Named, who does not attend church, has announced that churches are essential entities and must be open tomorrow. I wonder if "church" is any religious establishment such as a synagogue or mosque, or only a Christian one. He Who Shall Not Be Named will take action against the governors of states who do not comply. How will Virginia be viewed? Religious establishments can be open but not to capacity. There must be social distance between individuals or household groups. I cringe at the thought of a mega-church congregation, members sitting right next to each other, singing loudly. We thought it looked bad when the virus spread among members of a church choir after a single practice. How would the mega-church congregation look a couple of weeks later?

There are professional sports organizations talking about how best to start or finish their seasons. Almost all specify no spectators, which is not a bad idea. The television ratings will be through the roof. I can envision people who have never watched a hockey game tuning in because it's the only sport in town. And there has been talk that a future viral wave might derail the Olympics already moved from 2020 to 2021. Would I miss the Olympics? Since we're talking the summer games, not as much as I would miss the winter ones. To try at this point to predict what might come to pass in the next year or even next month would be an exercise in futility. We're really just along for the ride.

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