Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 95 (595)

Happy Halloween! There are finally enough kids in our subdivision that they can go trick-or-treating here. A few families that don't want to respond to door-knocking are leaving candy in bowls or baskets at a designated spot. Since there's always a parent with the kids here, candy theft does not usually take place. Actually, I'd love it if someone took the whole bowl here; leftover candy is too tempting to have around the house. 

It seems that one in six New York City workers remains unvaccinated. This means that they will be put on unpaid leave tomorrow. This could result or already has resulted in some closed fire stations, fewer police and ambulances, and mounting trash. Departments have drafted ways to handle this; sanitation, for example, is having vaccinated workers working longer shifts to cover the loss in people-power. The fire and sanitation departments each have 23 percent of their workers unvaccinated; 16 percent of police are still unvaccinated. 

I think I mentioned a short while ago a statement in support of vaccination that included "Don't be an ass." That was from Fox News host Neil Cavuto, who has multiple sclerosis, had open-heart surgery, beat state 4 cancer, and then got covid. Probably not in response to Cavuto but to the national vaccine mandate, Fox News now requires all workers to be vaccinated or be tested daily. Caputo has been getting death threats, some not so subtle. One voicemail message: "I admire your remarkable strength through so much adversity, but let me give you some advice. Shut up and enjoy the fact you're not dead. For now." And another: "It's clear you've lost some weight with all this stuff. Good for you. But I'm not happy with less of you. I want 'none' of you. I want you gone. Dead. Caput. Fini. Get it? Now, take your two-bit advice, deep-six it and you."

I think this division that the coronavirus has brought is just as bad as the covid it also causes. I can't say I like the idea of vaccine mandates, but I do think we need them. If the front-line workers in New York Coty don't want to get vaccinated, don't make them but also don't let them stay on the front line, where the odds they might infect someone else are higher. And death threats should hold no part in it all. A comeback to "Don't be an ass" of "Don't be a sheep" or "Don't be a chicken" gets a message of disagreement across without threats.

US intelligence agencies are now saying that the coronavirus was not designed as a bioweapon, and most say it was not genetically engineered. How it initially started--animal-to-human transmission or lab accident--may never be known unless China is more forthright in providing information. 

I'll be putting on a clown wig and a mask with a clown nose attached for giving out candy. Anyone else in blogland dressing up to offer goodies?


Janet said...

Our neighborhood is "private" so we don't get trick or treaters. In years past some folks organized trunk or treat for grandkids, but not this year or last, due to--what else? Covid.

Caroline M said...

We had a normal night, I started with next door's grandchildren while it was still light and I'd run out of treats by seven. I always buy too much so this year I cut right back, too far back.