Friday, October 1, 2021

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 65 (565)

This is the weekend of the Fall Fiber Festival here. I spent today setting up the shop in which I will be working. Tomorrow and Sunday, I work. When I started this annual gig, the boss told me I could get paid in money or merch. I chose the merch. I hope not to totally ignore this blog. I'm going to try to include something, even a little thing, covid-related teach day, but other than those little things, I'm going to be recovering each evening from the day just spent. 

Today's little covid-related thing is that today I met one of the festival's organizers who, in her day job, is a nurse. Specifically, she tends to the people who have left the ICU but may not leave the hospital for several months. I learned that a covid patient's lungs are so shot that they spend a lot of time lying on their stomach to reduce the strain on their lungs. Three months is not an unreasonable time once a patient leaves the ICU before they leave the hospital.

I also learned that I will not be the only person there tomorrow wearing a mask. A bit of my faith in the human race has been restored. 

Have a good weekend. If you're in the neighborhood of Orange, Virginia, the Fall Fiber Festival is at Montpelier, the estate of James Madison.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Most public places I go to these days have people wearing masks; I wear one too. Enjoy the fiber festival!