Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 164

It's a big "YAY" or "YEA" on the refrigerator front. After checking various appliance stores down the road in Richmond with no success, I went back to the website of the local Lowe's where, to my surprise I found one refrigerator in stock with the features we want and the size we need. It took a while for the husband to realize we just needed to get this one and forget about trying to fix ours or the one older son brought over. We ordered it online, and it will be delivered on Friday. That's one headache handled.

The local university put up its own covid-19 dashboard. Is this leading up to going fully online in an announcement to come on Friday? I doubt it since the numbers don't look too bad right now. We'll see what they do when the rest of the students arrive.

Given that the previous two paragraphs were typed over a couple of hours in between refrigerator, dinner, and other life issues, today's post is gonna end here.


Janet said...

Congratulations on scoring a new fridge! Here's hoping it lives up to its reputation (or at least warranty).

Caroline M said...

I'm all for the pursuit of perfection where it really matters - a house, a car - but not a fridge. Here's hoping that it arrives intact and undented (unlike my last one)