Sunday, August 23, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 161

Should I applaud for 23 weeks? After all, 23 is a prime number, and I do tend to like those. Whenever someone asks me to give them a number, I always open with 17. In three more years I'll have a prime age, not that I can't now claim to be in my prime. And I have been known to enjoy prime rib, especially with horseradish.

My mind is all over the place today. Can you tell? Dealing with Homeowners' Association headaches (I'm the secretary-treasurer, a job I volunteered for so as not to have my name or that of the husband come up as a possible president). Realizing that a standard poodle who no longer lives in the subdivision used to charge at me barking and snarling if I were running and dog and owner passed on the other side of the road. The owner assured me that the dog was friendly. Just not to me I'd always reply. Feeling as if I'm getting nowhere on putting the house back together even though I am purposely moving slowly to see that things that need to be dealt with don't get put away and put off. Having to return the sports bra I bought because rather than send the exact size I ordered, they sent me the sister size with a larger cup and smaller band. I specifically ordered the one I did to get the extra length in the band. Grrrrr!

The dean of students at the local university put out a video yesterday warning students, incoming and already here, that the university would not be playing around in terms of penalties for not following the covid-19 restrictions of wearing a mask, social distancing, and keeping gathering sizes 15 or fewer. There would be no second chances, no warning shots across the bow. Screw up, and you're suspended for the rest of the semester ... at least. It was probably good that he could note that several other universities have already suspended so many students here and so many more there. Chatter on Reddit suggested that the university might be using last night (Saturday) as a test case. Too many large parties then, and the school goes totally online. They said any announcement with regard to going all online would come August 28 (Friday) at the latest.

Refrigerator shopping is on the top of my list for this week, though any shopping I do will be online. I fall back on my primary care physician's saying that keeping myself pretty much totally isolated is not over-reacting. HWSNBN supposedly has a press conference scheduled for 6:00 pm to discuss covid-19 treatment. Rumor has it he'll be pushing convalescent plasma and not his old favorite hydroxychloroquine. I've read that scientific study of plasma is difficult because so many doctors are just using it, with no experimental structure or controls. Having a reliable treatment is half of all that I ask. A reliable vaccine and a reliable treatment since we all know that vaccines don't always work. 

And now I go to cook the couple extra packs of meat that were hiding in the back of the dorm fridge the husband loaded up from the kitchen fridge. We're having either pork or chicken legs for dinner, depending on what we're in the mood for when cooking has been accomplished.


Caroline M said...

Laddo has had to sign to acknowledge that breaches of covid requirements will result (it could hae been "may result") in disciplinary action. His uni city is already in receipt of extra support due to rising infections and that's before the return of six universities and 80,000 students. It's entirely possible that I won't be able to move him in at the start of term due to local lockdown restrictions.

I bought my last fridge online, and the freezer (also the washer, mixer, the blender). They have all the measurements and photos of the inside, I don't need to touch it.

Wow, I never realised that your president was a doctor - oh wait, he isn't.

Janet said...

Caroline, not only is he not a doctor, he's not really much of anything except a con.

As for prime ages, I realized I'm in a prime year. I just don't always feel that way.

Hope you find a new fridge soon, and that you get the right size sports bra. What brand are you using? I'm using ancient ones because the elastic still works and they haven't fallen apart.