Sunday, June 26, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 332 (832)

I'm not sure what it means that I found more info on monkeypox than covid today. I do not want to be tempted to expand this blog into monkeypox, though if it is declared its own pandemic, I'll have to take it under advisement.

So, Justin Trudeau says that people who choose not to be vaccinated must accept consequences including job loss and restricted access to transportation and other services. I agree with him wholeheartedly.

Finally, (I told you there wasn't much), The Guardian had a long, interesting even if I could not understand much, article on research at Cambridge University on whether mitochondria have the potential to help treat patients with long covid and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you find this intriguing, you can read the article here. I don't have a subscription, but I was able to access the article, so have at it!

More covid news tomorrow, or at least I hope so.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

I think The Guardian is free to read but they nag you after a while. As a sandal wearing lentil weaver I have a subscription, I signed up after the US election in 2016 when I thought that we would be needing journalism with teeth.

I still think that what the world needs is journalism with teeth.