Saturday, March 6, 2021

The View from the Hermitage, Day 356

I'm taking a pass today having taken three long walks with The Family Dog and Son #1, made significant progress on repairing Son #2's quilt, and chosen my March pie. Yes, that took a while. There were so many to choose from, but I finally decided on a chocolate peanut butter pie with a graham cracker crust.I still need to select an Instant Pot dish. That may be on tonight's to-do list. I'll let you know tomorrow.


Caroline M said...

I had the instant pot out for risotto with the bag of cooked diced turkey in the freezer from a cheap bird bought after Christmas, the night before that it was used for rice and the night before that it was slow cooking a chili with minced turkey. I'm on a roll with random freezer finds so it might get a few nights off this week. Last night we had a bag marked "no idea" from April last year.

Janet said...

Oh, my Caroline, that's really "pot luck." :-D