Friday, December 25, 2020

The View from the Hermitage, Day 285

Our traditional Christmas morning cinnamon rolls are rising, the tree and decorations are lit, the animals have been fed, and I have heard from Son #2 about when he and DiL= might arrive. I still need to schedule a Zoom chat with my mom. That and, probably, checking Virginia's covid-19 numbers from yesterday are all I plan to do computer-wise today. Note I said "plan." All things are subject to change.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good day!


Caroline M said...

Merry Christmas. Here the turkey is resting and the roast potatoes and veg are nearly done. I am having a cup of tea and about to spring into action for gravy and the final assembly. Then there will be wine.

cbott said...

Heh, I'm reheating a previously-made main dish (made by me back in September and has been sitting in my parent's freezer ever since) and adding roasted sweet potato cubes as a side. Wine is taking the front seat throughout!

Merry merry, happy happy to all,
