Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 432 (932)

Another slow news day, or maybe I just didn't look deep enough. A lot of what I see is of the "same old same old" variety such as China's continuation of zero covid. Speaking of China, the first covid-specific travel notice was issued for China in January 2020. Since then, the CDC website has maintained a country-by-country list of covid travel advisories. Not any longer. Now, they will only post a country if there is a new variant or special situation severe enough to warrant an advisory. The coronavirus is becoming endemic at least in the perception of some entities and many individuals.

An analysis of surveillance data for almost 1,000 covid exposures found that students accounted for a higher proportion of onward transmission than did the general public: 46.2 percent vs. 25 percent. Said one of the study's authors: "Our analysis suggests that younger age groups were deeply involved in the spread of the infection." I can't say that this surprises me. Children in general gravitate to each other, traveling in packs so to speak. They also have much lower vaccination rates than adults or even older "children" such as teenagers.

I start working early voting tomorrow afternoon; I'll be doing that Wednesday and Friday afternoons until the formal election on November 8. I'm not sure how much I'll get written and published on those days since pulling out my own laptop doesn't really look good for the precinct chief which is the wole I'll be filling. There's only one race on this year's ballot, for the House of Representatives. That will likely mean a lower turnout, but we'll see. 

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