Saturday, October 1, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 429 (929)

I actually planned to write about a couple of reports I read last night. Thanks (or no?) to remnants of Hurricane Ian, we lost landline phone service last evening which meant no DSL and no internet. I refuse to do significant typing on my phone. Besides auto-complete, my fingers revolt. We now have DSL and internet, but after an afternoon of pinning together the layers of a large quilt only to inspect the back and realize I needed to take all the pins out and re-do it tomorrow, I'm going to go sit. I had flippantly said somewhere that if the pinning went well today, I would get brave and try to warp my loom tomorrow. I do not know why warping scares me so much, but it does. I don't think I need to worry about that now since tomorrow afternoon is booked for re-pinning.

Anyway, no blog post today. We'll see how tomorrow goes in that regard.

1 comment:

cbott said...

Sounds like you warped the quilt back instead, neh?

I hate, Hate, HATE typing anything on my (flip) phone. My new "improved" version has keys that are too sensitive and not sensitive enough, so it's become a random letter generator instead of a functioning keyboard. The only reason I keep it around is that it's the link between my mother's caregivers and me.

I hate the idea of a personal tracking device (smart phone) even more than this keyboard, however, so I'll keep suffering through. But not in silence.

Bird 'Pie