Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 272 (772)

Right before the pandemic started, the first item on my list of big things to take care of was to check with Safelite about getting the windshield on my car repaired or replaced. It had some dings, three of which were spidering. Bam! Pandemic! I finally got around to going to Safelite today. The replacement was supposed to take an hour, but my dinged windshield put up a fight and fought leaving what it thought was its proper place. The time I set aside to write was spent reading at Safelite instead. I hate wimping out so soon after another such day, but that's life for you, or, at least for me. I can say, though, that looking through a clean, dingless windshield while driving home was pretty sweet.

1 comment:

cbott said...

That stoopid jingle's been bugging me all day (I must've driven past one of their businesses this morning), running through my head but without the "repair": Safelite hmm-hmm, safelite replace. Now it's back with all the words. Thanks?

Bird 'Pie