Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 269 (769)

I have some coronavirus notes, not many, but some. But having spent the past more than several hours dealing with photos from the quilt show that need to be put on the website, I'm calling time-out of screen time. The photographer did not name the files meaning I've been going back and forth from one thing to another to figure out which quilt is which and who won what ribbon. There are still four quilts to go, one of which I may have found. I'll decide on that later. If I need to email quilters and ask for a photo or description of their quilt, four is much easier to handle than forty.

I hope everyone is having the beautiful weather I'm seeing out my window. I think I'll go enjoy it in person for a while.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Re: quilt show...did someone local win? (I just noticed my ticket the other day...thanks!)