Saturday, January 23, 2021

The View from the Hermitage, Day 314

It's been a slow news day. In fact, the days since the inauguration all seem to have been slow news days compared to the days, weeks, and months before. Even the tenor of coronavirus reports seems muted. Is the world taking a collective deep breath in relief that the past has passed? Do we now suffer from politics fatigue as well as pandemic fatigue? Maybe it's just a slow weekend.

Xpot's impeachment trial will begin on February 9. What did you do after your term, Mr. President? Jimmy Carter embraced human rights. George W. Bush (Bush 43) took up painting and is actually quite good. Xpot will go on trial in the Senate accused of inciting insurrection. He's also the subject of four different investigations ... for now. There may be more yet to drop. Daughter Ivanka is supposedly a major figure in two of the investigations; it's a family affair!

Continuing with politics, The New York Times reports that Xpot plotted with a Department of Justice official to fire the acting Attorney General to clear the way to forcing Georgia Republicans to overturn Xpot's election defeat. Former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller said that  when he took the job in November he set three goals: no military coup, no major war, and no troops in the street. To quote a Meat Loaf song, two out of three ain't bad.

Finally, in a combination of medical news and News of the Weird, an Icelandic man has received the world's first double-arm-and-shoulder transplant. He lost his arms some time ago after being struck by lightning. It is not known if the arms will actually be useful. It will take time and a lot of therapy to find out.

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