Thursday, January 7, 2021

The View from the Hermitage, Day 298

It's been a very long day for a variety of reasons. Chief among them is concern about the events of yesterday. What can and will happen in the next 13 days? Will the Defense Department obey the Commander-in-Chief if he tries to declare martial law? What if he thinks it would be nice to go out after attacking another nation? Iran? What if he urges his supporters to the streets in more than one city? Every city possible? I'm not optimistic about using the 25th amendment. At least one Cabinet member, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, has already resigned effective Monday. Her husband happens to be Mitch McConnell, so perhaps she fears retaliation by proxy. Will others be following her out the door before the 20th? And with the House of Representatives saying they will not come back until after the 20th, impeachment would be difficult, not to mention holding a trial in the Senate.

The state health folks started to release details about the next waves of covid vaccinations, and my getting in is actually looking bleak. They're still working on details of what conditions put someone at high risk, but the lists out now do not include asthma. One list includes high blood pressure while another doesn't. And I supposedly have Stage 2 kidney disease (stages go from 1 to 5, with 5 being the worst), but I have no idea if that is considered "chronic kidney disease." I may end up waiting until the last wave and then fighting for a place in line. The Professor will get to go in the next wave, being over 65. At 64, I don't count. 

The governor held a covid briefing yesterday but it was all about vaccinations with nothing at all about the new case numbers that are setting records just about every other day. The percent positivity for the testing they're doing is 16.8, a number they were very worried about back in the spring. I guess now that the vaccinations are rolling out, the number of new cases no longer matters. 

So tomorrow I'll try to do better. Maybe I can even find some levity to inject into the proceedings. I hope to be in a better mood, but a lot of that depends on the world around me, unfortunately. I'm having trouble right now going with the flow.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

I am off to the vaccination centre with my mum today. MIL has her second jab next week for which I am grateful because she has always been my most likely source of infection. (One day she had six people in her house, two at a time. Two worked in a school, one in healthcare. There would have been one less if she'd mentioned the rest before I'd put the shopping away). Here in the land of socialised healthcare someone else determines where you are in the line and you just wait for the call. There will be a lot of younger people who aren't registered with a GP but they are in the never-never zone anyway so it will be a while before there needs to be a sweep up operation.

The big unknown is the percentage of refusers. I registered with a sympton checker app that collates information to the government, back in the days where you couldn't get a test it was the best way of checking the spread of the virus. There are 4.5m contributers now, a new question this week is whether you would accept vaccination if offered. I would expect that this group are more likely that the general population to roll up their sleeve so it will be interesting to see what the refusal rate is.

I suspect that there are unseen checks and limits on presidential power at the moment, if there weren't before. Just a few more days now...