Friday, January 21, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 177 (677)

I'll be taking a break today. Something I thought would go quickly hasn't. The Professor and I had talked about getting all our important papers--wills, powers of attorney, etc.--organized so that were we to kick the bucket, Son #1, The Executor, could find thinks easily. There was more in that little metal box in the master closet than I thought. I'm about to do a final sorting to see just how many binders I might need to contain it all. Then there's the labeling. Unfortunately, I can't find my label maker. It's not where I thought it was. By the time I finish the sort and label process, I plan to put my feet up for a while and not start taking notes and writing.

For excitement, The Professor and I upgraded our cell phones yesterday. I went from an iPhone XS to a mini 13; The Professor went from ancient Samsung to an equivalent mini iPhone 13. His is black, and mine is red so as not to mix them up. I spent last evening trying to help him get things sorted out. There was a problem with the App Store or our connection. I was doing my best (hey, the 13 is new to me, too) to try to figure it out as he got more exasperated. We slept on it, and this morning the App Store behaved as it always had for me. The Professor has his Reverse Polish Logic calculator app, and I can get back to downloading my own apps. And to demonstrate just how ancient The Professor's Samsung was, I was given a $140 credit for my XS, while The Professor got a $10 credit for trading in his phone.


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