Friday, December 24, 2021

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 149 (649)

A relaxed Christmas Eve always demands a hectic Christmas Eve Day, or at least so it seems. Random one-shot things today. The director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota called Omicron a "viral uzi," noting that it "is a game-changer. As much as Covid has been an immense challenge, Omicron takes it to a whole new level."

Best get-together advice I've seen: Plan for the most vulnerable person in the room. "Who do we put at risk if we're infected?"

Over 3,500 flights have been canceled for today and tomorrow around the world due to crew members either having covid or having been exposed to someone who had it. Weather had something to do with some of the cancellations as well.

New data from Britain suggest that booster protection against asymptomatic covid wanes against Omicron within 10 weeks. Protection from Delta lasts longer. Results are supposed to be taken with caution since people who caught Omicron early may not be representative of the broader population. I had my booster over 10 weeks ago. Hmmm.

Some scientists warn against a fourth shot saying that immune cells may stop responding to shots if too many doses are given. 

The ban on entry from countries in southern Africa will expire at midnight on December 31.

A large number of white-tail deer in Ohio and Pennsylvania have been found to be carrying the coronavirus responsible for covid-19. It is not clear how the virus jumped from humans to deer; it seems inevitable for it to return the other way.

And now to finish the needle-felted ornament that is the cat's present. 

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! 

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