Friday, July 29, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 365 (865)

There was more monkeypox news than coronavirus news this morning. Here's something with relevance to both. Americans are still more afraid of catching covid than they are of catching monkeypox. In a recent survey, 30 percent of respondents feared catching covid compared with 19 percent who feared catching monkeypox.

 Non-immuno-compromised people under the age of 50 are going to have to wait a little longer for their second covid booster shot. Pfizer and Moderna are now saying that they can have the Omicron-specific vaccines ready in September. The plan is to offer boosters to all adults, though some experts are saying teens, too, should get them. People who are just now getting their second booster will have to wait a little longer for their third. If they get boosters too close together, antibodies from the first dose received will keep the second dose from working. 

And believe it or not, that's what I found going over the usual suspects, er, sources this morning. I'm not sure the lack of news is a positive sign, though. While it could mean the coronavirus is becoming more integrated into our daily  lives, it could also mean that a lot of people have their heads in the sand. Sad to say, I see the second option as more apt to be correct.

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