Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Road goes ever on and on ... Day 305 (805)

Not a long post today. Between the Uvalde school shooting and response and the war in Ukraine, I found woefully little coronavirus news this morning. Perhaps that is a good thing. Perhaps it is not. I know some people have gotten numb to any new information and simply want back the pre-pandemic normal I don't think we'll ever reclaim. 

Long covid, perhaps my major worry in terms of if I were to catch covid. It seems that vaccinated people don't have much less risk of long covid compared to unvaccinated people. The risk reduction is only about 15 percent. From a University of Pennsylvania bioethicist: "How worried should people be? A lot more worried than they are. People are behaving as if the pandemic is over. The problem with long Covid is it's like the problem of hypertension or another illness that is in the future. We inherently discount the future, especially if the things we need to protect future bad effects from coming are onerous, like wearing a mask."

The area in which I live is now in the high transmission category, with masks recommended in indoor settings. I don't know how people are responding to this and have no real intention of going out to find out. The only place I might go, to visit My Mom, has required that staff and visitors wear masks since visitation resumed. If only the residents wore them as well. (Thanks, Mom, for wearing one every time you leave your apartment.)

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