Sunday, January 1, 2017

Resolution or Re-Solution?

Over the years, I have often posted resolutions for the coming year--the calendar year or the year that starts six months later, on my birthday. I've done better with some sets of resolutions than others. The past couple of years falls into the former. For some lists, I'm sorry I publicized them here so that I or others could remind me just how few of them I accomplished. Here's my sole resolution for 2017.

I'm not sure I can explain what I mean by that, but if you ask, I'll try to come up with something.

1 comment:

Caroline M said...

The back should say "You are not the boss of me"

I've not done new year resolutions for years, if you want to do a thing then start today, whatever day that happens to be. Go for it - you're a long time dead. On that depressing note I'll leave...